Thursday, July 18, 2013

"The Friends You Will Visit ..... in Washington"

My dear friend Janet, we met as visiting teacher companions and it just stuck.
 She has been such a treasure to me for a long time.
I met this dear friend when I worked at Datec for 4 years.  Julie got me through that job.
Her cheerfulness and can do attitude really inspired me to be a good employee.
 We ate lunch together, Taco Time, McDonald's and Costco were some of our favorites.
 Sometimes we just ran errands during lunch together.  
My across the street neighbor, Margie and her son Alex.  So many times just spent talking outside. 
No one has ever been like her.  We have a connection.  I truly miss her as a neighbor.
  One that you just pick up talking again where you left off.
My Logan played with Alex but we called him the Zan Man.
 Watch for him in the Tour De France someday.  Yes, he is that good. 
Many, many people I did not get to see.  My friend Heather, who was a best friend during so many years set up a luncheon I had to cancel out on.  I was so sorry not to see people I wanted to.