Saturday, September 4, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

Finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After working so many hours I can almost see that I can get caught up.
Its been a rough opening week of school. Hard to believe that they have only been going for one week and 2 days.
New this year: I am not looking up what bus a child is on and running them out. Last year got burned by that, this year I say have a seat and we will call your mom. Tons of kids on the first few days don't know if they are to ride the bus or which one. Stressful.

I got told that I was rude and curt because I asked a child who was in second grade to either learn his phone number or write it down. The mother said that every school has rude secretaries and is it because we work for the state and we don't have to be nice. Really? I almost quit that day.

We started a new program at our school called active recess. Had no idea it would cause so many parents so much concern. We have seen a difference in the kids and I love it as an office worker. The kids have to be doing something during recess. They have been taught games and we have toys and balls that are school owned so there is no ownership problems. One thing that I like about it is that we have a huge turnover at our school (trust me I know) and new kids have a hard time fitting in and making friends. This new recess plan helps that so much.

Friday I had 2 girls who could not find their 1st grade sister. They walk home. I called over the intercom and she did not come so I sent them home. About 15 min later I headed out the front door to do a sweep and bring in the kids who have not been picked up yet. They were out there sitting even though I told them to leave.
So I intercomed the school again and she did not show up. I asked for phone number to call mom and she did not want to give it to me. The girl said it was long distance. I lost it and said I don't care what the number is give it to me, I can call China if I have to.
I called the number no one home. I said please walk home now I know that your sister is sitting on your porch crying.
The girl said we have to climb the fence to get into our yard and then our house. See what a mess this was.
They refused to leave and said that the other girls mom was coming.
Finally the other girls mom came and they left and guess what? They got home and guess who was on the porch crying...yep the little first grader.
But a teacher heard me say I can call China if I want and he is never going to let me forget that one.

Husky Game!

Look at all the Purple! Kim, Colby, Jake, Kelsi, Logan and Kaden all left to attend the Husky game today at BYU. Normally we would cheer for BYU but not today. Jake even owns a Jake Locker Jersey. Kyle and Faith are there and Colby has 3 friends from Wa who drove down, Tim, Dave and Ryan. Then 2 boys who grew up with Colby in Covington named Troy and Chad came over right before game time.

Troy and Chad meeting up with them.

Tim, Ryan, Colby and Dave

This is Logan's friend, Kaden. He's a U of U fan but dressed as a Husky fan today.

I chose to stay home! Home alone! With Roof, Colby's dog.

I am watching the game with a bowl of popcorn and a root beer float with as

much ice cream as I want!

Lion King in Salt Lake City

Friday night I got to attend the Lion King at the last minute. Really, the last minute. Mr Martin, our principal, purchased 40 tickets back in January. They were at steal at $44.00 each. I knew Kim would not want to go so I never even told him about them. On Friday a teacher, Ms Ross, had a son who was not able to attend and she did not find out until she got home from school and she was just home to grab the others and change her clothes. As I was walking home, Carla called me, told me about the situation, had me change my clothes and she came and got me in a matter of minutes.

It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, the costumes, the singing, the music, watching the drummers, the scenery and the voices on those actors and actresses. We ate at Olive Garden, had sherbet at Lambs Cafe and parked in 5W. That was a little scary. Carla's big car in that little parking garage! Lion King was created in 1997 and has played on Broadway and then been around the world. I have to admit I was watching the Rosie show years ago and she invited the cast on her show and I was amazed at the giraffes on stilts and how they made the animals have 4 legs and run. The show was 2 hours and 45 minutes and I have to say the time just flew by.

Football Fantasy League

It's a big deal for Colby.

They talk about it for days.

Jake is a huge help with his photographic memory and his football players stats that run in his head that we have no idea that is in there. (the guy is amazing)

On draft day he is on his phone, computer, Skype and has the tv on and his picks ready. All his friends in WA meet and he yells at them from our basement. Can I say again how loud it is.

This is how Kim made his fantasy team on Monday.

Yep, ALL the boys helped and he put them in the computer. It was funny to listen to.

First day of school

Kelsi's first day of Westlake as a 9th grader. She leaves for the bus at 7:07. She's the first one up in our house!

Logan's first day at Vista Heights as an 8th grader. He leaves for the bus at 7:45.

Logan let me take a picture of his friends on the first day it's Kaden, Dominiq, Logan and BT. (yes Dominiq has a cast on one arm and the other in a sling!)

Demolition Derby in Spanish Fork

Second Year to do this fun event...hard to imagine that this bleacher will be completely full.
Cars knocked right into each other!

Look at this! Car went up and over and pushed the green one on it's side!

Loved the green car-rooted for it all race long!
My neighbor drove in the powder puff heat! Her second year! She did well!
My neighbor getting ready to hit someone!
It's hard to know what to watch, Logan's face or the race. As they enter the race we pick who we think will win. This activity is a winner with our family!

I did not think I was going to go anywhere!

Before summer started I came in the mail and I had great hopes of being used alot this summer. I was hoping to go to Seven Peaks, Cowabunga Bay, Lagoon or even a pool but as summer wore on the hope of me leaving Michelle's yard looked slimmer and slimmer.

Then all of a sudden a trip was planned. Colby's girlfriend came from Washington and it was decided to show her Las Vegas. Kim and Michelle had stayed at a hotel named Alexis Park years ago and it's off the strip so it was decided to stay there. The hotel was a great choice, large 2 rooms, a kitchen and it was very clean.

I was excited to go there as I heard they had 3 pools. What a day it was because it was over 100 degrees, I got to watch Kelsi and Logan play in the pools and fountain. Michelle even got me wet a couple of times. She said it was the only way to cool down! They all had a great time and it was over too fast.

This is the cute car that was rented. It fit all of them nicely even though it looks small. Michelle hopes one day Kim will get one of these.....made by the same company who made his Suburban which he loves. But summer is over, school starts this week and she stuffed me in the drawer, I wonder when I can come out again?