Today at the end of the school day something horrible happened. A first grader running through the parking lot got hit. Luckily the driver was not going fast at all.
They rushed in to get the principal but he was out today so the vice principal went out.
She came in and we paged over the speaker in the whole building for the first responder to go to the front of the school. Then when I did not see him coming (you know how time goes so slow in an emergency) I paged the other first responder. By that time he was coming running down the hall. He shot through the hall going so fast. Both of them are very well trained.
They called the 911 which brought 3 police cars, a fire truck and an ambulance. Quite a show.
The boy got his feet run over and then he was hit by the front of the car on his mouth and then tossed back onto the grassy area.
He will be ok, the driver of the car was not going fast at all.
We (they) (I held down the fort in the office) worked together and I liked how smooth everything went.
3/04/2010 UPDATE- the child has a broken leg and bruised feet. When a child gets hit by a car they get knocked out of their shoes. This was true in this case. He was wearing Crocs and they were left on the pavement when he was hit. By the way the shoes were left the police could tell that he hit the car more than the car hit him. The person driving the car was not given a ticket. The teacher of his class went to see him yesterday during her lunch time. She took him cards that the class had made for him and 2 of her class books from her own class library that she does not let any child check out to read. She said he was doing well.