We bought this cute little dresser when we lived in Bothell in 1985 at Fred Meyer. It came flat in a box and we put it together, glued it and then painted it white. It used to have yellow knobs and it was for our first baby. Our first baby is turning 23 this year and we still had the dresser and Kelsi was using it. It was small and falling apart. It is with great sadness that we are giving this old dresser to Desert Industries. When I look at it I can still feel the excitement of becoming a parent for the first time. I can still smell that sweet baby smell. I can see their little feet kicking out of the nightgown. They say they grow up too fast and that is true!

Kelsi needed the space of a newer, taller dresser. With the knobs on it will look better but I wanted to get the pictures before the old one was gone.
3/04/2010 UPDATE- This is too funny not to share---her new dresser also came out of a box and Kim put it together- not much difference there!