Isaak, a second grader came to the office late in the day today. He has been there before and I guarantee he will be back. He was to sit on a chair and wait until his teacher came for him. While he was waiting he was sitting right by the door and he would while sitting there open the door and lean out into the doorway and look in the hall and then sit up and the door would whoosh shut. I would look up from working and see no one that had come in so I would look back down and work again. He would open the door, look down the hall and lean back and let go of the door, whoosh, and it shuts again. I look up no one there. Probably this happened 7 times, I kid you not. I said could you please stop it with the door. Sweetheart I keep looking up when I hear the door but it is just you playing around. Few more times it happens. I stand up, put my hands on my hips point to a chair away from the door and say move there now!
It is decided not by me but by my coworker that he can wait in the nurses room until his teacher comes to save my sanity. She comes to get him and I tell her why he is in the nurses room. They leave and in about 5 minutes he comes in with this note, leaves it on my desk, smiles and walks out. Never says a word.
At the end of the day the teacher comes in and I tell her that I feel a little bad that I got mad at him and he had to write me a note. She says don't worry. It's good for him he was naughty all day. Perhaps I will see him again and I will put him on a middle chair to start!