Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tears in her Eyes

Our ALL teacher who teaches the talented and gifted students for 6th grade, (they don't call them that anymore but you all sure know who I am talking about when I say that!), came in today to tell me a story. With tears in her eyes she told me this story about one of her students:
Her story was that she asked them to do a math assignment about exponents. A boy forgot what one was and looked at a neighbors paper.
He then came up to her and with tears in his eyes he "confessed".
She said it was really tender.

My story was that yesterday 3 brothers who were new students got off at the wrong bus stop. They could not find their house and walked through a rural area without houses and down a path and over a bridge. They found the church building and then got their bearings. Finally they got home and burst in the door and the mom was not all concerned because it was "early out Monday" and she had forgot and was not even expecting them yet. They told her that when they were lost they stopped and knelt and prayed.

The 6th grade ALL teacher loved that story too and left with tears in her eyes.

PS I gave the bus driver their names and addressee's. He said that they could not recognize which stop was theirs and he drove them up and down the street. Finally he said they acted like they knew and they got off. Today they got off at the right stop.