Thursday, December 3, 2009


I remember the story from my teenage years....Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

today was a bad day...... sure I had it coming for one of my behaviors yesterday...... but it all heaped on ...... could not stop crying ...... have to decide if I am cut out for this job ...... I am VERY task oriented ......and this is more of a customer service job ...... and I am a counter I just count so when I have counted how many kids I help I cannot talk about it aloud example of this yesterday I had to walk home with a large Christmas box and I was embarrassed I wonder how many people would see me so I counted -10 cars passed me...... came home took boy to basketball ...... put on running clothes ...... WHY is gate locked at high school track ...... did not discourage me ...... came back home and ran my usual route ...... 2.25 miles in 24 degrees ...... picked up boy from basketball wait too late he got ride home so wasted time there ...... making dinner ...... so sad ...... don't handle stress and interruptions well at work ...... was told I could take medicine? ...... Do I need to be medicated? ...... Do I make people nervous? ...... I thought I was keeping it all inside ...... can't anyone I help ever say thanks?

From the end of the book...."mom says there are bad days like this,even in China."