Friday, November 13, 2009

"Give Said the Little Stream"

This should have been my first post on my blog because happened last week (Friday to be exact) and it made me know for sure that I have to be recording this and other funny things that happen at my school.

Let's start by saying this could only happen in Utah! Where you can tell a funny story about me all day long and then even tell this fine fellow (the letter carrier) and he gets it!

At the start of the day last Friday my fellow secretary got on the subject of church Primary songs and we talked about Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree. I said that I had grew up in Alaska and had not ever seen that until I moved out of there when I was 12. The custodian was up there too and we talked if that song had any meaning.

It was such an innocent statement.

Then I asked , "Why should it have meaning?" and my fellow secretary said all Primary songs have meaning, a lesson. I said, "No way," and she said, "Take "Give Said the Little Stream" for instance. That's a song about service."

I said, "Whoa, wait a minute. That song is about service?' She told me a little about it and I said "Oh, OK I get it."

Then we got busy so I dropped the conversation.

About an hour later I went to the bathroom and was humming the song to myself. (trying to figure it out)

I came out of the bathroom and said to her Are you sure? What does this line have to do with service. "I'm small I know but whereever I go the grass grows greener still." She cracked up and told me.

I was dumbfounded. I could not believe that I never knew that.

I had to call my sister who grew up with me right then so I used my cell and called her while she was at work and asked her and guess what? She had no idea herself either.

Well, that is when my fellow secretary decided to ask teachers as they came through the office if they knew that song was about service. (They all did :( !!! )

This was the final straw, when she asked the letter carrier when he came through the door and he knew the song was about service also. That's why he is standing there looking so smug in the picture! Not really, but he hopes he gets famous off my blog. Well, that is what he says.