On my first day back at work, my cute Alida came into the copy center carrying these pretty flowers complete with a hug. She just wanted me to feel loved. She is always so thoughtful.
As a side note as August is over and we are into September.
Where did August go??
It is always so busy getting the room ready to open. Preparing mailboxes and sorting the mail. Checking in freight and making copies. Then the first days come and I don't come up for air until now. A lot of extra hours banked to use later.
This year was especially interesting with a bomb threat on our first day. The first day for students was cancelled but the teachers still came and did prep work A lot of them needed that extra day. As a result of the the first day being a no show for the students and it being an A day all prepared for, the teachers prepped for a B day and I was left working an 13 hour day.
Soon enough I got all caught up and the last few days have been great.