Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Cutest Class

Both Kim and I teach classes on Sunday but he is the best teacher and he has the cutest class.  The lesson was on being honest and the 2,000 stripling warriors.  He made them headbands and swords.  Even the girls loved the swords.  He gives them little suckers, dum dums, as a reward for good behavior.  Missing today was a cute boy and twin girls. Can you imagine 3 more with swords?  We gave them to them at the very end.

The girl in the blue dress said the cutest thing, I took her to the bathroom and even though there is a stool in there by the sinks she could not reach the soap dispenser so I would put it on my hand and then wipe it on hers.  This Sunday she was so excited because she could reach it!

The girl in the pink sweater is my favorite.  She is so quiet but she is so smart.  When we were in the bathroom she had a ink stamp on her hand and I said where did you do to get a hand stamp?  She said something I could not understand so I asked again and I still could not understand and a older girl who was at the paper towel holder said, "She said Lagoon."  Then I asked her about Lagoon and her face just lit up and she talked and talked about it.

The boy in the striped green shirt has a hard time coming but I think he is so cute and he tries so hard.  He has some behavioral issues so he is the best he can be right now.  We have got him to stay in the class room and not be under the table and stay on his chair for a lot of the time.  He can make you work up a sweat.  He has a picture that he likes and when I give it to him and he looks at it and stays still.  His mom and dad are so appreciative of Kim and I that they made up these huge cinnamon rolls last Sunday and brought them to us while they were still hot.  Oh man, were they good!