This is our new trampoline we got for Logan's birthday just 6 weeks ago. No, it is buried in our front yard. Oh no, see legs in front of it.... see net in driveway...... a horrible windstorm came up today and blew our trampoline out of our yard, over the fence and upside down in the neighbors garden. I ran down the hall to tell Kim who works from home as Logan and the 2 friends he had over ran up to tell us. We all ran next door and the boy who lives there had 2 friends over who are also Logan's age so with the help of 6 --8 th graders, Jake and Kim, they up righted it and took it apart and carried it home. Sadly now it is in the garage.
As with anything that goes wrong there is always shoulda woulda coulda. How we wish we would have pushed it up against the house like the other times it gets windy here.
We watched my sisters dogs this week and 2 days ago one of them bit the boy who lives in this house and when I told Kim that our trampoline was in their garden his face turned white and he said "Oh no, now they will really hate us." They may secretly place a
House for Sale sign in front of our house.