Thursday, May 13, 2010

When they say on the job posting you have to be able to multitask and work well in stressful situations they are not kidding.

Today was cookie dough delivery plus the book fair.

14,000 dollars of cookie dough to distribute.

Parents coming to get dough when we sent it home with child and they did not even ask kid or wait for them to get home with it.

Parents picking wrong boxes and we call to get it back.

Kids taking wrong boxes and parents bringing it back.

Boy who tells his friend that he wants her order of dough for his birthday and she gives him the order. He takes home!

Kids crying that they were sure they had sold dough.....nope. checked it out with mom.

Phone ringing non stop.

No copy of order to give with dough so please photocopy all this meanwhile the phone is ringing nonstop, kids standing there, parents checking out student with a can you help me now look, and a kid needs a bag of ice for a non existent wound. Plus new student packets please and I am moving into your area.