Gone from school on vacation until Monday!!!!!!!!!!
5 whole days to not have to make lunches, watch the clock in the morning making sure they don't miss the bus and not have to rush out myself!
To celebrate this wonderful time off I will be making a Thanksgiving feast.
To be eaten here on Thursday.
This year I am doing what I want: I am old enough to make this choice:
I am roasting 3 whole chickens in a counter roaster I purchased last year to make the turkey taste better. (still did not like it)
I am serving twice baked potatoes.
I am making homemade stuffing.
I am not serving yucky gravy, yucky turkey or yucky cranberries.
I will also have a relish tray, fruit salad, raspberry jello, broccoli casserole with Cheese It's on top, homemade Bille Hauter Rolls, and pies.
Trust me no one will miss the turkey. We will be sad missing Colby..he is not coming home.
The track coach grabbed Jake by the shoulders and made him promise he would NOT play in a turkey bowl.
So you see it's just a different year...but I still get 5 days off!!!!!!!!!!!