Friday, November 25, 2011

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

Great way to start the day.....breakfast on a day off. Mom is already in the kitchen.
In the morning, we watched the Macey's Parade. Before the football games start, we love a good parade.
Very important stomach stretching going on here, a meal before the meal. We just had a quick snack to hold us over...table was already set and we used paper plates. Dishwasher needs to stay empty.
Every year, it's the same delicious rolls that come out of this kitchen. The best refrigerator rolls and they are so easy. It's a holiday tradition.
Table looks pretty and ready for the big feast. Shoot, should have moved the chair off the deck. We only added one chair as Colby is not here and Faith and Kyle came.
Hour says 1:00, table is ready but we won't eat until 5:00. How nice to get it done in year I set the table the night before.
A beef bone for the dog to chew on, no turkey here at my house.Our rib roast got us our favorite Thanksgiving fixings but no turkey meat. YEA!
Knocking back after the big meal, playing a game. This was fun. We watched them make players and play on the court set back in the 80's and then the 50's.
Kyle brought the latest and greatest basketball game, X-Box got moved up. And due to the NBA lockout, it's the only basketball this TV is showing right now.

So it was a great holiday. A little bit of work but a lot of fun.