Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is that canned soup?

Yes it's true....
And this is why.
For the past 2 weeks I have been down a copy machine and I have had to work extra hours just to get all my work done.
In addition to my usual work our school is doing a play and she needed 1500 programs. It takes one hour to run 300 and it ties up my machine.
But who can complain about tomato soup with toasted cheese? No one in my house. It's a comfort food!!!!

Attitude of gratitude:
~We had our first snowfall!
~ A shield thing that Kim bought me to lay over my windshield at night to keep me from scraping ice. It saves me precious 5 minutes in the morning.
~ Today they took 2 stakes and made 3 and I am grateful that I have lived here long enough that I recognized some of the names they read out.
~ Thanksgiving is this week, only 2 days to work and 5 days off!