Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Blessings.....Day 9 Friday

My friend, also named Michelle rang the bell today.
She is done with chemo.
Her body is like a machine the doctors told her.
She is amazing, never complains, kept up on everything, is a great mom and is fighting cancer!
I am blessed to be her friend.  

30 Days of Blessings.....Day 8 Thursday

Logan made the basketball team.  
Tons of really good boys turned out.
It was rumored that there was a lot of really good freshmen boys that they were moving up to play on the sophomore team.
It was rumored they were moving up 6 freshmen boys.
That meant only about 6 sophomore boys could make the team
Logan gave it his all, played with intensity but not out of control.
They posted first cuts Tuesday morning.
He carefully checked, whew, he could still try out for a second day.
The next day was faced with trepidation and tension, would his name be on the list or not?
He went to look and they had taken the list down.
He went to class.
They put the list back up.
His friends took a picture of the list and sent it to him in class
YA!  His name was on the list!
(BTW, only moved up 2 freshmen)
I am blessed that he made the team, I love watching him play.
He was blessed to have made the team, he loves to play.

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 7 Wednesday

Storm's a coming!
I got all my yardwork done.
I raked the leaves into piles and walked on them, oh crispy crunchy leaves!  How I love you.
Front flower bed is put to sleep for the winter.
I have 8 paper box lids of flower heads to dry the seeds all winter for more pretty flowers next spring.

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 6 Tuesday

We voted today.
What a great thing to live in this country and be able to vote.
The lines were long. People wore stickers on their shirts that said they voted.  Everyone had a story.
The blessing I enjoyed today was sitting next to Jake watching the results on TV.
He is very smart, he knows a lot about everything.  He explained things to me without getting annoyed.

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 5 Monday

Today my blessing is good weather.  
After work I cleaned out my flower beds down the side of my house.
  I pulled weeds and cut off the tops of plants.
How I love working in the yard. 
 How I love clean fluffed up dirt.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 4 Sunday

3 words
Daylight Saving Time

Now when I leave in the morning it is light!!!!!  Love that.

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 3, Saturday

Today I am thankful for how we split the jobs in our house on the weekend. 
Because we both work, we work together on Saturdays. 
 Kim always does the grocery shopping while I am at home doing the cleaning.  
This works well for several reasons, one is we both get done at the same time and then we either go somewhere as a family or we get to do something we each want to do.  Another reason I love shopping on Saturday is because I  make a menu for dinners for the week and then as I get home each day I know what is for dinner. 
 It makes everything run smoother.

Also today I am thankful all the carpets in my whole house got shampooed. 
 What fun it is to walk on clean, fluffy carpeting.

Monday, November 5, 2012

30 Days of Thanks.....Day 2, Friday

I am giving thanks for my job today.  I love that I work with teachers instead of parents.  I love when I overhear them talking about a student and they want to do whatever it takes to help that student succeed.
I love when they offer to help me.  This year we have so many more students and then because of that we added 16 more teachers.  It all adds up to a lot of copies.  I had the copy man come today and get my monthly numbers.  They bill our school by how many copies we make.  I have done a lot of copies.  In the month of October I made drum roll please.......  390,158 copies.  By making so many copies I get a new machine sometime soon, like the first week of December.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 days of Thanks......Day 1, Thursday

After attending a funeral yesterday for a friend in my neighborhood  today I am reflecting on my own family.  I am thankful for them.  She was the mother of 4 children and was a kind, sweet, young mother.  She had a stroke on Sunday and passed away on Thursday.  Today after work I was doing laundry and as I thought I was almost done, Logan asked if I could wash his sheets.  Even though I was so tired and had calculated when they would get done and it would be at bedtime,  I cheerfully said sure go and get them.  I was glad that I was there able to wash his sheets.