Saturday, July 2, 2011

Miracle Grow Grass Seed?

We changed around where the dirt was in the front of our yard and wanted to plant some grass where the kids shoot basketball and the weeds kept coming back and it just looked bad. So we finally got it all smooth and purchased some dirt and some grass seed. We came home from the store, sprinkled it out and watered it and just hoped it would grow.
Just as it was getting dark that same night Kim came in the house to show me that we had planted miracle grow grass seed and it was already growing. He made me cover my eyes as I walked out and look it was grass!

He was on a bike ride and a neighbor had rolled out sod and had some extra. Him and Jake brought it down cut it to fit and patted it down.

He sure got me on the joke. We turned around and got Kelsi and Logan the next morning!