Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If I lived in "the land of the midnight sun"

I was 12 years old when my family left Alaska and moved to the "lower 48."

I remember it staying light a long time in the summer and playing all day long.

I looked today to see what the daylight hours are in Anchorage Alaska and I remembered correctly!

The sun is up today in Anchorage Alaska from 4:28 to 11:31.

I watched my son at basketball camp. If I lived in Alaska I could have watched him all day!

My friend had chemo number 11 with only one more remaining.  I cleaned her house picture perfect. If I lived in Alaska I could have cleaned all day!

Isn't her kid's bathroom the cutest? I vacuumed my way out so not even a footprint was there and  I swept the porch. I was so excited to do that for her. I love her and I love to clean.  I have some professional 409 and Windex and man o man did it shine!