This parade was crowded enough for me. I hate that they throw candy. It makes kids crazy. They cry that they are getting enough. They stood in front of me and waited for the candy and blocked my view. I mean right in front of me....not their
A little boy by me had his pocket so jammed he could not fit one more piece in and he was not using his other pocket. A family by me was not letting their kids eat theirs and they each had a sackful. I highly doubt that when they got home they would not even want it because it is "parade candy" weird stuff that does not break or melt. Thanks for letting me rant now on to my post:
American Fork High School Marching Band is nationally known for it's excellence. I was so happy to see them live marching down the street. They were great!
On the left side of the picture wearing all white is my friend's daughter. Yes, she's a drum major of the American Fork Marching Band. I was so proud of her when she came by me. I yelled,"way to go Hailey"! She of course did not even let on that she heard me and of course I knew that she would not even move a muscle on her face. Her mom told me so.
When my town's high school, Westlakes', band came through I was so happy to see them. It's a brand new school finishing up their first year and starting their second. Kelsi will be attending there this fall.
And UVU had a float in the parade. Jake attends there so I took a picture. I wanted the dance team to be there that competed on Dancing with the Stars and won, but they sent cheerleaders instead.
It was a great parade and it made me know for sure that the Pioneer Day parade in SLC is for sure out of the question for me.
Faith and I attended the quilt show and after parking and walking down the sidewalk past the set up rides with all their sounds we approached the food area. I said, "Stop and smell" "What does this remind you of?" With the sounds of the rides in the background and the smell of carnival food we both instantly were taken back to the age of 12 and Seaside Oregon and my grandparents and the downtown area. My grandma had a friend named Abbey who owned a snack store that sold cotton candy, carmel corn and pronto pups and my grandpa worked the "Tilt a Whirl". Oh blessed memories!