Creamy Carmel Toffee Dip
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup butter
1 cup Karo Syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
1-8ox pkg cream cheese, room temperature
1 pkg Heath toffee bits or pieces
Combine sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, butter and Karo syrup in a large sauce pan and place on stovetop over medium heat stirring continually.
Bring carmel mixture to boil. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Set carmel aside and allow to cool for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
After carmel is cooked, place cream cheese and carmel in a mixing bowl and beat until smooth.
Fold in chopped toffee.
Serve with any of your favorite fruits or pretzels.
Looking back at these ingredients how can this not be good!
During our superbowl party we did not see that this had to set for up to 2 hours!!!!! Ekkkks!
Lucky for us we "lurked" on facebook for 2 hours for old friends from our childhood, boy did we find them. All of a sudden....2 hours had passed. The dip was cool and ready.